Monday, June 15, 2009

Do good ideas have a minimum 2-week germination period?

I've noticed that many thought processes follow this pattern. For example, it takes 21 days to make or break a habit (ie build new neural pathways, muscle memory etc). I see that most of my breakthrough ideas in the past, I've stewed on for a couple of weeks before having that eureka moment when the ideas become actionable.

Secondly, if this theory is true, how many "seed" ideas do we need to plant in order to get a good harvest. Or what amount of nurturing is needed to get the idea to actually go through germination, and actually getting to the point of producing good results? Here's a few insightful answer that were gleened from my favorite Professional Network.
UPDATE: A friend pointed me to a found an interesting article today on Wall Street Journal talking about this very topic.

1 comment:

Mary J said...

That Linked in community sure is great. That's an interesting question. I think some of my more significant ideas take months and years to come to fruition. BTW, congratulations on passing the controller test. So impressive!